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  • The Five Shot Frenzy Shooting Drill

    1 min read

    Here's a fun drill you can shoot on the range or during a dry fire session. The Five Shot Frenzy Drill makes a great warmup drill, and it will help you improve your shot transition times and your follow-up shot accuracy! Here's how to shoot the drill.

    From the holster or low ready:

    String 1: Draw and fire one shot on 1-5 in ascending order

    String 2: Draw and fire one shot in this order: 1-5-2-4-3

    String 3: Draw and fire one shot in this order: 5-1-4-2-3

    Get the target here

    Before performing this drill during a dry fire session, make sure your gun is unloaded (double-check) and there is no ammunition in your magazines or anywhere in the room.

    Also in Skill Building: Training Drills

    The Pathfinder Shooting Drill
    The Pathfinder Shooting Drill

    1 min read

    Our new Pathfinder Shooting Drill will help you work on your target focus and transition accuracy, and it's a simple way to begin your practice session!

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    The Chill Chaser Shooting Drill
    The Chill Chaser Shooting Drill

    1 min read

    Our Chill Chaser Shooting Drill is a fantastic way to warm up and get your blood pumping on chilly days!

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    Focus on Four Shooting Drill
    Focus on Four Shooting Drill

    1 min read

    The Focus on Four Shooting Drill will help you work on your target awareness and transition accuracy, and it makes a great warm-up drill.
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